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signal detector中文是什么意思

用"signal detector"造句"signal detector"怎么读"signal detector" in a sentence


  • 信号检测器
  • 信号检出器


  • Cue signal detector
  • 4 . the wideband active signal detector is presented and simulation is given . the result proves this detector is efficient , and that non - rectangle enveloped hfm signal is the optimal detection signal
  • These light sources have promising applications and potential market demands for the high - density storage of opto - information , high - speed laser print , high - brightness and dynamic display in all colors , solid light sources , signal detectors and communication
  • Based on the theory and knowledge , the paper proposes and discusses several robust detectors in detail , such as optimal periodical signal detectors which exploits the prior knowledge that the chi _ square distribution hypothesis test has certain robustness , detectors based on over _ sampled gabor representation for transient signals detection which takes the numerical computational advantage of robustness brought by over _ sampling , and the detector using computer _ intensive method " bootstrap "
  • In the fourth chapter , we presented the mmse soft interference cancellation detector as the signal detector , and proposed an effective transmit power allocation scheme to improve the performance of mimo - ofdm system . if ldpc channel coding is applied , we can find the performance can be improved about 1db when ber is 10 - 6
用"signal detector"造句  


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